Please use the web form below to share your requirements with us.
Answering the 3 questions here will help us to process your request.
1. Which language are you contacting us for?
Please choose a letter code from this list:
CH = Swiss German
D = Dutch
E = English
F = French
G = German
I = Italian,
R = Russian
S = Spanish
2. What is your current level in the language that you are contacting us for?
A = Beginner
B = Intermediate
C = advanced
Z = I am not sure
3. What is your native language?
English, Rumanian, etc
If you are a Bulgarian national and beginner in Dutch, your answer is: "1D 2A Bulgarian".
If you are a UK national and intermediate in German, your answer is: "1G 2B English".
Thank you, we will be in touch soon!